The DeNoir Method
Innovative, holistic wellness. We blend cutting-edge techniques with conventional medicine to address chronic health problems and enhance overall well-being. Our holistic model focuses on rejuvenation, regeneration, and detoxification, empowering the body’s natural healing abilities.
Your journey to natural wellness begins here.
Our Holistic Programs
Tailor-made wellness and well-being programs for you. Experience effective, natural methods for improved health, recovery, healing and longevity.
Wellness & Recovery Retreats
Embrace self-care and release worries. Our philosophy recognizes the mind-body connection to improve healing, longevity and happiness.
Susan Uffenbrink
Susan specializes in life sciences, offering integrative wellness and holistic optimal health services. With a focus on activating self-healing powers, her work centers around the multidimensional nature of human beings and strengthening the body to optimize self-healing abilities. Susan helps individuals achieve optimal health, enhance their quality of life, and foster harmonious relationships.

Comprehensive care for your health and well-being
At Denoir we are dedicated to providing comprehensive care that goes beyond just treating symptoms for your health and well-being – our mission is to find the root cause of the problem and design solutions to treat it. Our experienced team offers personalized protocols, advanced diagnostics, and a holistic approach to ensure you receive the highest quality of care.
We prioritize your well-being, empowering you to live a healthier, happier life.
Book an online counseling session
Take control of your wellbeing
Request a counseling session with our leading practitioners